Posts in Home
How to Make Your Home Feel Cozy

A co-worker the other day asked me “What makes a house feel cozy?”

It’s mostly because one of the common compliments we receive about our home is that it’s cozy. And while cozy may mean different things to different people, it’s generally a compliment.

I interpret "cozy” to mean that a house is warm and inviting, and is a comfortable and welcoming place to experience and to inhabit. It’s neither stuffy nor cold, and it feels like it should be lived in (as opposed to a commercial property that is specifically made for working only).

Having a cozy home is so important - not only does it make your home welcoming and enjoyable to live in, but it helps in other ways too.

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10 Autumnal Flowers for Arranging and Enjoying At Home

Autumn is our favorite time of year for many reasons, but our most favorite reason is because of the floral arrangements that we can make now! After months and months of sunflowers and dahlias and summery arrangements, it’s now time for autumnal arrangements. I’m talking grasses, seedheads, deep bold colored flowers with burgundy, bronze, gold, rust and pumpkin shades of colors that we’ve been waiting all year long to use.

We wanted to share some of our favorites for this time of year with you, so let’s get this list started with our favorite:

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